目的:选择性干扰黄斑区Mller细胞,试图建立特发性黄斑旁毛细血管扩张症(idiopathic perifoveal telangiectasis,IPT)动物模型。方法:恒河猴12只随机分为6组,前3组单眼视网膜下注入DL-α-AAA(DL-α-aminoadipic acid)5,10,50mmol/L30μL,后3组单眼玻璃体腔分别注入DL-α-AAA16,50,80mmol/L100μL。术前1wk及术后6,12wk行眼底彩色照相、荧光素眼底血管造影、黄斑自发荧光、光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)、多焦视网膜电图(multifocal electroretinogram,mfERG)检测,并摘除眼球行光镜检查。结果:视网膜下5,10mmol/LDL-α-AAA及玻璃体腔50mmol/LDL-α-AAA,给药后6wk均出现IPT且OCT和光镜亦有相应病理改变;视网膜下50mmol/LDL-α-AAA,及玻璃体腔80mmol/LDL-α-AAA,病理损伤严重但未出现IPT。结论:视网膜下5~10mmol/LDL-α-AAA、玻璃体腔50mmol/LDL-α-AAA均可诱发IPT。
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AIM:Selective disturbance of macular Müller cells on the neural retina and retinal vasculature in non-human primates.Try to establish the animal model of idiopathic perifoveal telangiectasis(IPT).·METHODS:Twelve rhesus monkeys (24 eyes) were divided into 6 groups randomly.In the former 3 groups,DL-α-aminoadipic acid (DL-α-AAA) solution 30μL of 5,10,50mmol/L were injected subretinally respectively,one eye for each rhesus monkey,as 3 experimental groups.The control groups were injected subretinally PBS 30μL in other eyes.In the later 3 groups,DL-α-AAA solution 100μL of 16,50,80mmol/L were injected intravitreally respectively,one eye for each rhesus monkey,as 3 experimental groups.The control groups were injected intravitreally PBS 100μL in other eyes.All eyes were examined by fundus color photography,fluorescein an-giography,macular autofluorescence,optical coherence tomography(OCT),multifocal electroretinography(mfERG) and optical microscopy at 1st week before the operation and 6th,12nd week after the operation.·RESULTS:After 6th week of operation,IPT were hap-pened in the groups of subretinal 5mmol/L,10mmol/L and the group of intravitreal 50mmol/L.In the same con-centration groups,corresponding pathological changes were found by OCT and optical microscopy.The group of subretinal 50mmol/L and the group of intravitreal 80mmol/L response a more serious pathological changes,but IPT has not occurred in those groups.·CONCLUSION:DL-α-AAA as ah agent-specific inter-ference of Müller cells in retina,the concentration between subretinal 5mmol/L to 10mmol/L and the concentration intravitreal 50mmol/L could induce IPT.