目的:了解渐进多焦点眼镜缓解视屏终端(visual display terminal,VDT)操作者视疲劳的效果。方法:有视疲劳症状且屈光不正的VDT操作者98例,按自愿原则分为2组,其中一组配戴普通单光眼镜,共52例;另一组配戴渐进多焦点眼镜,共46例,经1a随访,分析两组屈光状态及其缓解视疲劳的效果。结果:所有98例患者中,44例存在未矫正、屈光矫正不足和过矫正;视物不能持久、眼部酸胀2种症状在两组中的差异有极显著性统计学意义(P<0.01),眼痛、眼干和眼睑沉重3项在两组中无统计学意义。结论:渐进多焦点眼镜对缓解轻中度近视VDT操作者视疲劳有效。
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AIM:To investigate the effects of progressive addition lenses(PAL) on visual display terminal (VDT) operators visual fatigue.·METHODS:Nienty-eight VDT operators who had ametropia and visual fatigue were collected between Aug.2008 and Aug.2009 and divided voluntarily into two groups,single vision lenses (SVL) group with 52 patients and PAL group with 46 patients,the refraction condition and treatment effect of the two groups were analyzed in one year’s follow-up.·RESULTS:Of the 98 patients,44 patients couldn’t have their refraction errors corrected.Significant difference was found between SVL and PAL group in the symptoms like blur and swell (P<0.01),however,no difference was found between SVL and PAL groups in the symptoms like eye pain,dryness,eyelid heaviness.·CONCLUSION:Compared with SVL,PAL had an active clinical effect on relieving visual fatigue for lower and middle myopes.