目的:观察正常人和配戴软性角膜接触镜(soft contact lens,SCL)人群结膜杯状细胞分泌的黏蛋白MUC5AC表达改变。方法:采用结膜印迹细胞学(conjunctivali mpression cytology,CIC)收集结膜杯状细胞,免疫组化SABC法测定正常人及配戴软性角膜接触镜者MUC5AC的表达水平。结果:长期配戴软性角膜接触镜MUC5AC表达(>5a)组及(<5a)组较正常人组相比显著减少(P1<0.01;P2<0.01),但前两者之间无明显改变。结论:长期配戴软性角膜接触镜者MUC5AC明显减少,发生干眼症状增加。
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AIM:To observe the change of mucus MUC5AC (Mucin5AC) selected by goblet cell in normal subjects and in soft contact lens (SCL) wear subjects. ·METHODS: Conjunctival impression cytology(CIC) were used to collect goblet cell, immunohistochemistry was used to detect the express level of MUC5AC selected by golbelt cell in normal subjects and in SCL wear subjects.·RESULTS: A significant decrease of MUC5AC was observed in the long-term(>5 years) and short-term(<5 years)SCL group compared with the control group (P1<0.01; P2<0.01),but analysis of the two SCL groups had no significant difference.·CONCLUSION: This study confirms difference in expression of the mucin MUC5AC in SCL and the health adult. It demonstrates a significant increase of dry eye symptom in SCL compared with the normals.