目的:分析青光眼睫状体炎综合征(Posner Schlossman’s syndrome,PSS)的视野损害情况。方法:对42例PSS患者进行视野、眼压等项临床观察。结果:PSS患者的视野损害发生率为35%;双眼受累、年龄较大、病程较长、房角窄者的视野损害发生率较高。结论:双眼受累、年龄较大、病程较长、房角窄者的视野损害发生率较高。
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AIM:To analyse the damage of visual field with Posner Schlossman’s syndrome (PSS).METHODS:Clinical observation of visual field and intraocular pressure(IOP) of 42 patients with PSS was performed.RESULTS: The incidence of visual field damage was 35%.Patients with double-eyes involved,older age,longer course and narrower angle contributed to high incidence of visual field damage.CONCLUSION:The high incidence of visual field damage is likely to occur in patients with double-eyes involved, older age,longer course and narrower angle.