目的:探讨白介素6(interleukin-6,IL-6)和肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factorα,TNF-α)在泪液缺乏型干眼症发病机制中的作用。方法:SD大鼠48只随机分成实验组和对照组两组,实验组通过摘除泪腺的方法制作干眼模型,对照组不做处理,分别于实验前1d及实验后1,2,4wk检测泪液的分泌、泪膜破裂时间及观察角膜荧光素染色,术后4wk将动物脊髓离断致死,用免疫组织化学方法检测结膜及角膜组织中IL-6和TNF-α的表达。结果:实验组大鼠SchirmerⅠ滤纸湿长较正常组缩短(P<0.01),泪膜破裂时间较正常组缩短(P<0.01);IL-6和TNF-α在两组均有表达,在实验组表达较强,对照组表达较弱,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:IL-6和TNF-α在泪液缺乏型干眼的发病机制中起着重要的作用,泪液缺乏型干眼的发病机制与炎症有关。
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AIM:To investigate the effect of inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6(IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) in aqueous tear deficiency dry eye disease in rat.METHODS:Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into experimental group and control group.In experimental group,lacrimal gland was removed for dry eye model,but the rats were without treatment in the control group.One day before the experiment and after 1 week,2,4 weeks tear secretion repectively after the experiment,tear film break-up time and corneal staining was done under a microscope camera crack.After 4 weeks,the rats died of spinal cord transaction.IL-6,TNF-α in the conjunctive and corneal tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry.RESULTS:Wet filter paper length of Schirmer I and tear film break-up time were shorter in the experimental group than that in the normal group (P<0.01),IL-6,TNF-α expression was more strongly expressed in the experimental group than in the control group.The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).CONCLUSION:Cytokines plays an important role in the pathogenesis and inflammation of aqueous tear deficiency dry eye.