目的:观察糖尿病性白内障(diabetic cataract,DC)患者血清和房水中丙二醛(MDA)与超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)的变化,探讨氧化应激与DC的关系。方法:分别测定68例DC患者(DC组)、62例单纯糖尿病患者(D组)、60例单纯白内障患者(C组)和同期50例非糖尿病非白内障眼科手术者(NS组)血清和房水中MDA与SOD的水平。结果:与NS组比较,D组和C组患者血清和房水中MDA水平升高,SOD水平下降(均P<0.05),但D组和C组之间差异无统计学意义;与D组或C组比较,DC组MDA升高,SOD下降更明显(均P<0.05)。Pearson相关分析显示,MDA与SOD呈负相关(r=-0.835,P<0.05);Logistic回归分析显示,MDA和SOD是DC的影响因素(均P<0.05)。结论:糖尿病性白内障患者血清和房水中MDA水平升高,SOD水平下降,氧化应激可能参与了DC的发生发展。
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AIM:To observe the change of malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) in serum and aqueous humor in the patients with diabetic cataract(DC),and explore the relationship between DC and oxidative stress.METHODS:The levels of MDA and SOD in serum and aqueous humor in subjects with (DC group,n=68),diabetes mellitus alone(D group,n=62),cataract alone(C group,n=60) and healthy subjects(NS group,n=50) were determined.RESULTS:The levels of MDA were increased,SOD were decreased in serum and aqueous humor in D group and C group than those in NS group(all P<0.05),but there was no significant difference between D group and C group;More significant changes of these parameters were in DC group than in D group or C group(all P<0.05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that MDA was negatively correlated to SOD(r=-0.835,P<0.05);Logistic regression analysis showed that:MDA and SOD were the impacting factors for DC(all P<0.05).CONCLUSION:The levels of MDA are increased,and those of SOD decreased in serum and aqueous humor in patients with diabetic cataract,the occurrence and development of DC may be related to oxidative stress.