目的:探讨在有晶状体眼后房型人工晶状体(implantable collamer lensi mplantation,ICL)植入术治疗高度近视时,护理对手术效果及安全性的影响。方法:对103例206眼高度近视患者行有晶状体眼ICL植入术的心理护理、术前准备、术中及术后护理进行总结。结果:所有患者视力明显提高,满意度良好。医护间的配合、合理的心理护理使患者术前主动配合治疗;有效的术后护理和必要的出院指导,可密切观察病情变化,调整治疗方案,使患者得到更好的术后治疗效果。结论:医护之间的配合、有效的护理和以患者为中心的服务理念对提高有晶状体眼ICL植入术的手术效果和安全性具有重要意义。
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AIM:To investigate the impact of nursing to the surgery result and safety in the implantable collamer lens implantation(ICL) for high myopia.METHODS:One hundred and three high myopia patients 206 eyes were included.Mental nursing,preoperative preparation,nursing during and after operation,and guidance after leaving hospital were summarized.RESULTS:All patients had improved visual acuity and high levels of satisfaction.Cooperation between ophthalmologists and nurses was important.Reasonable mental nursing made patients less nervous and cooperative with treatment.Effective nursing and guidance after leaving hospital could help the patients get perfect results from the surgery.CONCLUSION:Cooperation between ophthalmologists and nurses,Reasonable mental nursing and patient-centered service concept can improve access to care for patients,which brings the safety and efficacy of the program and its excellent visual outcomes.