目的:对闭角型青光眼患者进行健康教育,提高他们的自我护理能力。方法:通过开展青光眼俱乐部这一活动形式来达到上述目的。结果:自我护理的健康教育可以减少闭角型青光眼(angle-closure glaucoma,ACG)的发作次数,减轻其发作程度,减少平均住院日数,提高治疗的依从性,提高治疗效果,减轻视功能的损害,从而提高生活质量。结论:青光眼俱乐部对闭角型青光眼患者的治疗、预防和护理能产生非常积极的作用。
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AIM:To improve the self-nursing ability for patients with angle-closure glaucoma. ·METHODS:By means of the form of glaucoma club to achieve this purpose. ·RESULTS:Health education of self-nursing could reduce the angle-closure glaucoma onset times,onset level,and the average length of hospitalization. It also could increase treatment compliance,improve therapeutic effects and reduce the damage of visual function,thereby enhancing the life quality. ·CONCLUSION:Glucaoma club has a positive impact on treating,preventing and nursing patients with angle-closure glaucoma.