目的:通过分析142例多波长激光治疗视网膜分支静脉阻塞(branch retinal vein occlusion,BRVO)的效果,讨论多波长激光在治疗BRVO中的重要意义。方法:通过对142例142眼BRVO患者应用美国科医人公司生产的多波长氪激光仪进行光凝治疗,在3mo后进行视力、眼压、裂隙灯、眼底镜及FFA检查,总结分析视力变化、视网膜出血吸收情况、黄斑水肿吸收情况。结果:经激光光凝治疗后3mo,出血吸收原面积的1/2以上者51眼(35.9%),吸收1/2~3/4者62眼(43.7%),吸收3/4至完全吸收者29眼(20.4%),同时,黄斑水肿完全吸收33眼(23.2%),黄斑水肿明显吸收96眼(67.6%),黄斑水肿轻度吸收或无变化13眼(9.2%)。治疗3mo后复查FFA,发现新生血管完全消退占有新生血管患者的71.2%,部分消退者占28.6%,无变化或加重仅占0.2%。结论:不失时机的应用多波长氪激光光凝治疗BRVO能明显提高视力,促进视网膜出血和黄斑水肿的吸收,同时可预防严重并发症的产生。
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AIM:To observe the therapeutic effect of poly-wavelength krypton lasers on the branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO),and discuss its therapeutic significance for treatment of BRVO. ·METHODS:One hundred and forty-two patients 142 eyes with BRVO were treated with poly-wavelength krypton lasers. The changes in visual acuity,IOP were observed,and slit-lamp,ophthalmoscope,FFA were applied after 3 months. The changes in visual acuity,absorp-tion of retinal hemorrhage,macular edema were analyzed. ·RESULTS:Retinal hemorrhage was absorbed more than 1/2 in 51 eyes(35.9%),between 1/2 to 3/4 in 62 eyes (43.7%),and completely absorbed or more than 3/4 in 29 eyes(20.4%). Macular edema disappeared completely in 33 eyes(23.2%),reduced partially in 96 eyes (67.6%) and absorbed lightly or unchanged in 13 eyes(9.2%) after photocoagulation. Retinal neovascularization disappeared completely accounting for 71.2%,disappeared partially accounting for 28.6%,only 0.2% cases were increased or unchanged in FFA after 3 months. ·CONCLUSION:Retinal photocoagulation with poly-wavelength krypton lasers on BRVO promptly can improve visual acuity,promote absorption of retinal hemorrhage or macular edema,and avoid serious complications.