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AIM:Many ophthalmologists prevent the lacrimal duct stenosis by injecting ointment or gel into lacrimal,but sometimes the formation of granuloma by overflow ointment or gel. In this article,we explore the surgical treatment for this disease. ·METHODS:From April 2004 to December 2009,9 patients with granuloma by overflow ointment or gel in our hospital with medial lower eyelid induration in 7 cases,the medial upper eyelid induration with ptosis in 2 cases,respectively. Skin incision was taken under the lower eyelid eyelashes (1.5mm)and the upper double eyelid line; subcutaneous tissue was separated; after that,the induration was exposed and removed; Upper eyelid ptosis was corrected. Removed tissues were sent for pathological examination. ·RESULTS:After followed up for 3 months to 6 years,all 9 patients had symmetrical appearence with the induration and bulge disappeared,and the eyelid of depression and ectropion did not occur. Ptosis had the satisfactory effect. Pathological results were granulation hyperblastosis. ·CONCLUSION:False passage formed by the uncorrected probing of lacrimal passages without anatomy path,after that,the injected ointment or gel can overflow into the subcutaneous,and stimulate the granuloma proliferation.The original matrix of drugs may be the main stimulus;Besides,allergic constitution is also one of the main reasons. No visible scars occur after surgery on the ower eyelid and upper eyelid line under (1.5mm). After complete removal of mass granuloma,no relapse occurred. Removing the tumor quickly is the only treatment method of this disease.