目的:探讨兔眼玻璃体切除联合非膨胀浓度C3F8填充术后晶状体上皮细胞(LEC)凋亡与C3F8的相关性方法:将50只兔100眼随机分为A,B,C 3个组,A组为正常组,B,C组分别行单纯玻璃体切除BSS液填充术、玻璃体切除联合非膨胀浓度C3F8填充术。术后1,3,8,35,45d对3个组进行裂隙灯显微镜观察、眼压测量及LEC凋亡率的检测。结果:实验组术后35,45d LEC凋亡率分别与正常组、对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组术后35,45d LEC凋亡率分别为1.81±0.91%,3.20±1.25%,两者比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:C3F8是引起玻璃体切除联合非膨胀浓度C3F填充术后早期一过性白内障发生的主要原因之一。C3F8导致LEC凋亡,且随术后时间的延长,LEC凋亡率升高。
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AIM:To study the relativity between lens epithelial cells (LECs) apoptosis rate and perfluoropropane gas after the operation of vitrectomy with nonexpansile perfluoropropane gas. METHODS:Totally 50 new Zealand health rabbits(100 eyes) were assigned randomly to three groups:the A group rabbits was normal group;the B group were control group,performed the operation of simple vitrectomy with BSS;the C group eyes were experimental group,performed the operation of vitrectomy with nonexpansile perfluoropropane gas.The intraocular pressures were measured with Schiotz indentation tonometer,and the lens shape were observed with slit lamp microscope on the 1st,3th,8th,35th,45th day after operation.The apoptosis rate of lens epithelial cell was detected under light microscope after the treatment of TUNEL method. RESULTS:There was significant difference(P<0.05)on apoptosis rate of LECs between experimental group and the control group,normal group on the 35th and 45th day after operation;The apoptosis rate of LECs on the 35th and 45th day after operation is 1.81±0.91%,3.20±1.25%, and there was significant difference(P<0.05) between them. CONCLUSION:The perfluoropropane gas was one of the main reasons of the early cataract after the operation of vitrectomy with nonexpansile perfluoropropane gas. LECs apoptosis can be induced by C3F8,and apoptosis rate of LECs was gradually increased as the after-operation time prolonged.