目的:了解不同年龄组学生近视患病率,以及各屈光要素与近视的关系。方法:采用整群抽样的方法,参照《眼科全书》近视诊断标准,对不同年龄学生进行标准视力检查,采用ARK-30/AR-20手持式电脑验光/曲率计,对所有样本均进行小瞳下屈光度检查和角膜曲率检测;采用STRONG 6000AB便携式眼科A/B超声诊断仪对样本眼轴长度进行测量。结果:随着年龄增加,近视人数不断增加,近视程度显著增加。近视程度和角膜屈光力无显著相关性;眼轴长度和玻璃体长度与近视程度相关。结论:近视随年龄增长发病增加,近视程度加深,眼轴前后径增长。
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AIM:To obtain the basic data of the myopia prevalence at primary school in Zhongshan city,especially to obtain the relationship between myopia and cornea,vitreous and ocular axis. METHODS:According to the myopia criteria of Eye Encyclopedia of China,cluster sampling was adopted to make the study sample.Ocular vision,corneal curvature, anterior chamber length,lens lengths and vitreous length were conducted with ARK-30/AR-20 automatic refractive instrument/cornea curvance and STRONG 6000AB portable ocular A/B ultrasonic on these samples. RESULTS:With the increase of age,the prevalence of students with myopia increased.The length of vitreous and ocular axis were not related with myopia. CONCLUSION:With the age raises,the incidence of myopia increases.The deepening of myopia,the increase of anteroposterior diameter of axial length.