目的:比较屈光参差性弱视分别使用高透氧硬性角膜接触镜(RGP)或框架眼镜,进行弱视综合训练的临床效果。方法:选择屈光参差性弱视患者106例189眼,分为试验组即A组(53例99眼)配戴RGP;对照组即B组(53例90眼)配戴框架眼镜。两组分别戴镜1mo后,选择相同的弱视综合训练方案观察3,6mo;1a的治疗情况。结果:配戴RGP安全、有效,无急性结角膜炎等并症发生。A组弱视治愈率明显优于B组,尤是高度屈光参差患者有明显优势。Ridit检验,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。A组配戴RGP 1mo后,未经弱视训练而矫正视力>0.8者5例7眼。结论:配戴RGP比配戴框架眼镜有更优秀的视觉质量,是一种治疗屈光参差性弱视安全、有效,值得使用推广的方法。
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AIM:To compare the clinical effects of amblyopia combined training with rigid gas permeable contact lens (RGP)and frame glasses. METHODS:A total of 106 patients(including 189 eyes) were enrolled in this study.They were randomly divided into Group A(53 cases 99 eyes) wearing RGP and group B(53 cases 90 eyes) wearing frame glasses.Then the two groups received the same combined training to treat amblyopia 1 month after wearing glasses and the conditions of sight were observed 3,6 months and 1 year after wearing glasses. RESULTS:It was safe and effective to wear RGP, without occurrence of such severe complications as acute conjunctivitis or keratitis.The recovery rate of amblyopia in group A was significantly higher than that of group B, especially in treating patients with high anisometropia. There existed significant difference in Ridit test(P<0.05).After wearing RGP for 1 month in group A,5 patients 7 eyes had the corrected vision>0.8 without amblyopia training. CONCLUSION:Wearing RGP is better than wearing frame glasses in visual quality,and is a safe and effective tool to treat anisometropic amblyopia,which is worth to generalizing.