目的:探讨眼挫伤的眼底改变及眼底荧光血管造影(fundusfluorescein angiography,FFA)的表现。方法:对272例325眼眼挫伤分别经直接检眼镜和三面镜检查及FFA检查并进行分析结果:眼挫伤可导致视功能严重受损,主要原因为视网膜、视神经的损伤,常见的有视网膜震荡、视网膜出血、黄斑裂孔、脉络膜破裂、出血,视网膜脱离和视神经损伤,其中以视网膜震荡多见。结论:对于眼挫伤都应常规检查眼底,条件允许的情况下都要行FFA检查,以判断眼底的损伤部位及程度。
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AIM:To evaluate the features of ocular contusion by fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA). METHODS:Totally 272 cases 325 eyes were examined by direct ophthalmoscope,three mirror contact lens and FFA. RESULTS:Main causes for serious visual function injury were retina and optic nerve injury.It included commotio retinae,retinal hemorrhage,choroidal ruptures,chorioretinal rupture,chorioretinal hemorrhage,detachment of retina and injury of optic nerve. CONCLUSION:Patients of ocular contusion should be examined by FFA and fundus examination as long as the media is transparent,in order to definite the degree of injury and location in fundus.