目的:研究GAP-43在正常大鼠视网膜发育过程中差异表达。方法:采用RT-PCR方法检测正常大鼠生后不同时期视网膜发育过程中GAP-43 mRNA水平的表达差异;通过免疫组化检测其蛋白水平的表达差异,并对实验结果进行统计分析。结果:大鼠视网膜GAP-43 mRNA表达量在生后逐渐升高,在P21表达量最多,之后逐渐下降,到成年时维持在一个较低水平。各组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:正常大鼠视网膜发育过程中GAP-43 mRNA及GAP-43蛋白水平的表达在生后逐渐升高,之后逐渐下降。
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AIM:To investigate the expression of GAP-43 in the retina of normal rats during the development phase.·METHODS:RT-PCR method was used to detect the expression of mRNA in the retina of normal rats at the different age of postnatal. Immunohistochemical method was used to detect protein. And statistical analysis was performed on the experimental results.·RESULTS:The result of RT-PCR showed that GAP-43 continually rose before the 21st day of postnatal development and then reduced to a low level in the adulthood. With the development,the expression of GAP-43 got to highest at the age of P21 and then reduced to a low level in the adulthood. There was significance among different groups (P<0.01)·CONCLUSION:In the retina of normal rats and the time course of the critical period during development,GAP-43 mRNA and GAP-43 protein expression continually rise before the 21st day of postnatal development and then reduce to a low level in the adulthood.