目的:阐明黄斑旁中心凹毛细血管扩张的临床及眼底荧光血管造影(fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)的特征。方法:回顾性分析2004/2008年门诊经FFA检查诊断为黄斑旁中心凹毛细血管扩张22例22眼患者的临床资料。结果:患者年龄33~74(平均53.03±12.43)岁,其中男10例、女12例,患眼视力0.32±0.28,2例患有糖尿病,病变部位位于颞侧黄斑中心凹旁区域,眼底表现为病变处限局性视网膜水肿,和/或有环绕于水肿区的黄白色硬性渗出斑,偶见少量出血,病变范围从1PD×0.5PD~4PD×3PD不等。FFA表现为早期黄斑中心凹旁毛细血管呈瘤样扩张,黄斑拱环全部或部分破坏,部分可见小分支静脉成直角,晚期呈弥漫强荧光。结论:黄斑旁中心凹毛细血管扩张多发生在50岁左右的成年人,性别无明显差异,多为单侧,病变范围超过1PD,均位于颞侧黄斑中心凹旁,异常的血糖可能影响黄斑旁中心凹毛细血管扩张的发展。
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AIM:To clarify characteristic of clinic and fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA)in parafoveal telangiectasis.METHODS:The clinical data of 22 parafoveal telangiectasis patients 22 eyes diagnosed with FFA in our out-patient clinic from 2004 to 2008 were analyzed retrospectively.RESULTS:The mean age was 53.03±12.43 years old,10 patients were male,others were female.The mean vision was 0.32±0.28.Two patients were diabetic.The diseased region located in bitamporal parafovea.The fundus displayed retinal local edema in the diseased region,surrounding with yellow-white hard exudates,few bleeding,the extent of disease was from 1PD×0.5PD to 4PD×3PD.FFA showed nodule dilated capillary at parafovea in early stage,the macular circle was destroyed.The part displayed right angled venules.The late stage showed suffusion hyperfluorescence.CONCLUSION:The parafoveal telangiectasis often happens in fifty years old people,and no significant difference in gender,all cases are unilateral,the extent of disease is more than 1PD,the diseased region locates in bitamporal parafovea.Abnormal blood sugar maybe influence development of parafoveal telangiectasis.