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·AIM:To pay more attention to fungal keratitis and find the best treatment by reporting and analysing fungal keratitis caused by fingernail scratch.·METHODS:There were 5 patients 5 eyes with fungal keratitis caused by fingernail scratch.The clinical syndroms,laboratory examination,treatment and prognosis were retrospectively reported and analyzed.·RESULTS:After comprehensive therapy,all the cases got satisfied clinical effect,2 eyes recovered transparent,visual acuity was 0.8;1 eye was nebula,visual acuity was 0.8;2 eyes were leukoma,visual acuity was 0.25.·CONCLUSION:It is very important to pay more attention in the clinical therapy effect for the keratitis especially for those caused by fingernail scratch.Besides,comprehensive therapy is the preferred treatment to fungal keratitis.·