早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)是早产儿尤其是伴有低体重儿发生的一种视网膜毛细血管发育异常化的双侧性眼病,表现为视网膜缺血、新生血管形成和增生性视网膜病变,重者可以引起视网膜脱离而导致永久性失明。近年来,随着围产医学的进步,早产儿成活率逐渐增加,相应ROP发生率也呈增加趋势。由于其后果严重,对患儿及其家庭造成巨大伤害,ROP也日益引起人们的重视。目前ROP的确切病因仍未明确,真正的发病机制尚不十分清楚,亦缺乏有效的预防措施。本文从ROP的发病因素、发病机制及干预措施三方面对其新近研究进展作一综述。
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Retinopathy of prematurity(ROP) is a ambi-eyes disease of abnormal retina blood capillary growth that happens at premature and especially at low weight premature infants. It manifests as retinal ischemia, retinal neovascularization and proliferative retinopathy, seriously it can cause retinal detachment and lead to permanent blindness. In recent years, with the perinatology level improving, the livability of premature is also increasing,while the rate of ROP is also increasing. Because its consequence is serious and it causes tremendous harm to sick children and families, people pay attention to ROP increasingly. At present, true pathogenesis of ROP is still not distinct and genuine pathogenesis of ROP is not clear and it is short of efficient preventive measurement. This article makes a review in etiological factor, pathogenesis, intervention as well as recent studies for ROP.