干眼是一类累及眼表及泪膜的多因素疾病,通常伴有泪液渗透压的升高和眼表组织的炎症。抗炎治疗已成为干眼治疗的重要方面。非甾体类抗炎药物(non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,NSAIDs)具有抗炎效果佳、副作用少等优点,并逐渐被应用于干眼的治疗。本文就近年关于NSAIDs在干眼相关治疗中作用的研究作一综述。
[Key word]
Dry eye is multifactorial disease of tear film and ocular surface. It is accompanied by increased osmolarity of the tear film and inflammation of the ocular surface. Anti-inflammatory therapy has been one of the key components in the treatment of dry eye. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are being introduced into the treatment of dry eye, with evident anti-inflammatory action and less side-effect. In this review, we summarize recent data regarding the application of NSAIDs in the treatment of dry eye.