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AIM:To evaluate the clinical complications of Densiron68 as an intraocular tamponade in the vitreoretinal surgery. METHODS:Nineteen eyes of 18 patients aged 19 years to 78 years with complex retinal detachment were included.Initial evaluation included present ophthalmologic and general medical history, determination of the best corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP) measureed by non-contact tonometer, detailed slit lamp and fundus examination. Surgery was performed as a standard three-port, pars plana vitrectomy. At removal surgery,15 eyes of the posterior peplos discission was performed. Mean duration of the Densiron68 endotamponade was 76.00±23.84 days,mean follow-up time after removal was 95.74±44.58 days. RESULTS:After Densiron68 removal, 16 eyes (84.21%) showed a stable reattached retinal without further interventions , while, in 1 eye (5.26%), recurrent retinal redetachment appeared during endotamponade. Two eyes (10.53%) developed redetachment after Densiron68 removal. Visual acuity was improved in 14 eyes (73.68%).Side effects included temporary inflammatory reaction, silicon oil emulsification, posterior capsular opacification, temporary high intraocular pressure and pupillary block glaucoma. CONCLUSION:The results showed that Densiron68 as an endotamponade was effective and security ,however, incidence of complications was higher shortly after tamponade.