目的:分析下斜肌减弱术对第一眼位眼球客观旋转角度所产生的影响。方法:收集我院2008年以来各种类型斜视患者中下斜肌功能亢进者需行手术治疗的患者23例30眼。应用Stratus OCTTM3000扫描仪于术前及术后1wk对患眼进行眼底扫描及图像拍摄,获取眼底图像。将所拍摄图像应用Photoshop进行分析处理,测得视盘-黄斑中心凹夹角即该眼球的客观旋转角。结果:术前及术后外旋角度比较,术前为17.200°±6.624°,术后为7.735°±6.545°,术前与术后眼球旋转角度比较,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:行下斜肌减弱术可明显改变眼球在第一眼位的客观外旋转角度。本研究所得的结果即下斜肌减弱术对第一眼位眼球客观旋转角度影响的范围,对旋转斜视患者术前手术设计及预后估计具有一定的参考价值。
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AIM:To analyse the effect of weakening inferior oblique muscles on the status of ocular torsion by measuring disc-fovea angle (DFA). METHODS:A total of 30 eyes of 23 cases with inferior oblique muscle overaction underwent inferior oblique weakening procedures,images of fundus including fovea and disc were photoed by OCT before and one week after surgery. DFA was measured by using PhotoShop software, and statistical analysis was done with SPSS software. RESULTS:DFA was 17.200°±6.624°and 7.735°±6.545°respectively before and one week after surgery. There was significant difference for DFA before and one week after surgery (P<0.01). CONCLUSION:DFA can be changed significantly through inferior oblique weakening procedures. Measurement of DFA is useful in surgery design before surgery and surgical result evaluation after surgery.