目的:探讨眼睑基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma,BCC)组织中Survivin和CyclinB1的表达。方法:收集武汉市中心医院和武汉大学中南医院病理科2002/2009年手术切除及活检的眼睑BCC标本共20例,另取癌周围正常组织5例作对照。所有标本均经40g/L甲醛固定,常规HE染色,光镜观察确诊。采用HPIAS-2000高清晰度彩色病理图文报告管理系统对Survivin和CyclinB1在细胞浆或胞核的表达进行定量分析。结果:眼睑BCC组织中Survivin和CyclinB1呈高表达,癌旁组织中Survivin和CyclinB1呈低表达。两种组织中Survivin和CyclinB1的平均光密度及阳性面积率的差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论:Survivin和CyclinB1的异常表达对眼睑BCC的发生、发展起重要作用。
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AIM:To discuss the expressions and clinical significance of survivin and cyclinB1 in basal cell carcinoma(BCC).METHODS:Twenty surgical excision and biopsy of eyelid BCC samples were collected from the department of pathology of Wuhan Central Hospital and Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in 2002-2009,and also 5 normal tissues around the cancer were acted as controls.All samples were fixed in 40g/L formaldehyde,with routine HE staining,observed under light microscope,and were finally diagnosed by pathological examination.Immunohistochemistry method and image analysis technique were used to detect the expression of survivin and cyclinB1 in the eyelid BCC and cancer adjacent tissues,and the expression of survivin and cyclinB1 in cytoplasm and karyon of each group were quantitatively analyzed by HPIAS-2000 High Definition Colour Pathology Image and Character Report Management System.RESULTS:Survivin and cyclinB1 were highly expressed in eyelid BCC tissues,while lowly expressed in cancer adjacent tissues.The average optical density and positive area rate of survivin and cyclinB1 between eyelid BCC and cancer adjacent tissues showed significant difference by one-way ANOVA.CONCLUSION:The abnormal expression of survivin and cyclinB1 in eyelid BCC might play an important role during the genesis and development of eyelid BCC.