目的:探讨吸氧时间和吸氧浓度与早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)病变分期的关系,以期揭示ROP的关键影响因素和发病机制。方法:选择我院新生儿科住院的出生体质量≤2500g和(或)胎龄≤32wk的早产儿156例作为研究对象。16wk时采用双目间接眼底镜进行眼底检查并记录。结果:确诊为ROP的患儿43例86眼,随着吸氧浓度的升高和时间的延长,ROP的病变程度逐步加重。吸氧浓度≥40%时,35.3%的患儿ROP病变超过3期,吸氧时间≥7d时,27.8%的患儿ROP病变超过3期。结论:规范化的氧疗应当是持续低流量的给氧,即使病情需要高流量给氧,通过缓慢逐步减量的方法也可以有效减少ROP的发生。
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AIM:To study the relation of oxygen therapy time and concentration and retinopathy of prematurity(ROP) stage.METHODS:The retina of premature infants with birth-weight ≤2500g and gestation-age ≤32 weeks are examined by indirect ophthalmoscope in 16 weeks.RESULTS:There are 43 cases(86 eyes) are diagnosed ROP.The pathological degree is more aggravated with the higher oxygen concentration and longer oxygen therapy time.When the oxygen concentration≥40%,retina pathological degree of 35.3% ROP infants are over III stage.When the time of oxygen therapy ≥7 days,retina pathological degree of 27.8% ROP infants are over III stage.CONCLUSION:The continuing low discharge oxygen therapy is criterion one.When the higher oxygen discharge is needed,the way to cut down oxygen discharge step by step can decrease the incidence of ROP.