目的:研究复方丹参注射液(Danshen injection)在实验性兔视网膜挫伤时对视网膜细胞凋亡的干预作用。方法:青紫兰兔44只分为实验对照组和复方丹参注射液治疗组。以改良Allen’s重击法制备兔右眼挫伤性视网膜病变模型,两组在建立模型后1,3h;1,3,7,14,28d分别取眼球。另设立正常对照组2只青紫兰兔,不作任何处理,在实验观察结束时取眼球。采用原位末端标记法(TUNEL)和透射电子显微镜观察视网膜细胞凋亡情况,并进行细胞计数。结果:视网膜挫伤后存在着神经感觉层细胞凋亡现象。在实验对照组和复方丹参注射液组两组中,正常对照组、1h,28d组几乎不见凋亡细胞,挫伤后3h;1,3d组在视网膜各细胞层均出现较多的、具有凋亡形态学与生化改变特征的凋亡细胞,其中在3d组视网膜感觉层细胞凋亡细胞数量达到高峰。复方丹参注射液治疗组的凋亡细胞数比实验对照组少,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:实验性视网膜挫伤中,复方丹参注射液治疗能抑制视网膜细胞凋亡的发生。
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AIM:To investigate the interference effect of Danshen injection on apoptosis of retinal cells in experimental retinal contusion·METHODS:Forty-two pigmented rabbits were selected,and the left and right eyes were in the experimental control group and Danshen injection group,respectively.The retinal contusion model was set up by Allen’s reformative hitting method.The eyeballs of the 42 pigmented rabbits were enucleated 1 hour,3 hours,1 day,3,7,14 and 28 days after the retinal contusion model was established.Another 2 pigmented rabbits were selected as the normal control,which underwent none of the contusion but eyeball extraction at the end of the observation period.TUNEL and transmission electron microscopy were used to detect the apoptosis of the retinal cells.Cell counts and statistical analysis were used to assess results·RESULTS: There was cell apoptosis in sensory layer after contusion of retina,but almost not observed in retinas from normal control,14,28 days group.They were abundant in 3 hours,1 day,3 days group,with morphological and biochemical changes of apoptosis features of apoptotic cells,in which sensory layer of the retina in the 3 days group the number of apoptotic cells reached its peak.It was also found that apoptosis cells in Danshen injection group were less than that in the experimental control group(P<0.01)·CONCLUSION: Danshen injection may inhibit the apoptosis of retinal cells in experimental retinal contusion.