目的:探讨无巩膜缝线小梁切除术治疗青光眼的临床效果。方法:选取2007-12/2010-06于我院治疗的各型青光眼45例57眼,随机分为两组,观察组24例29眼采用无巩膜缝线小梁切除术(联合滤过道及结膜下注入适量HealonGV),对照组21例28眼并与同期行常规小梁切除术。观察两组术后眼压、前房、滤过泡及并发症情况。结果:术后随访3~30mo,观察组眼压控制率和功能性滤过泡形成率均高于对照组(P<0.05),并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:无巩膜缝线小梁切除术(联合滤过道及结膜下注入适量Healon GV)是治疗青光眼的一种有效方法。
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AIM:To evaluate the clinical effect of no scleral suture trabeculectomy for glaucoma·METHODS:Totally 45 cases(57 eyes) of glaucoma were included from December 2007 to June 2010.57 eyes were randomly divided into two groups(Group A and B).24 cases(29 eyes) were treated with no scleral suture trabeculectomy(Group A) and 21 cases(28 eyes) were treated with traditional trabeculectomy(Group B).Intraocular pressure(IOP),anterior chamber,filtering bleb and complications were compared·RESULTS:No scleral suture trabeculectomy appeared more effective in IOP control and functional bleb formation whereas a lower complication rate compared with traditional surgery·CONCLUSION:No scleral suture trabeculectomy is an effective method for glaucoma.