目的:评价充气性视网膜固定术联合冷凝治疗下方裂孔的孔源性视网膜脱离(rhegmatogenous retinal detachment,RRD)的疗效。方法:选取下方裂RRD 22眼纳入研究。患者术前均行最佳矫正视力(BCVA)、裂隙灯显微镜、间接检眼镜及三面镜检查确诊。所有患者行充气性视网膜固定术联合经结膜冷凝术,手术后随访6~24(平均12)mo。观察BCVA及视网膜复位率。结果:手术后经一次眼内充气性视网膜固定术,视网膜复位17眼(77%),2眼行再次眼内注气术联合视网膜激光光凝术视网膜完全复位,充气性视网膜固定术总的视网膜复位率达86%。3眼需要再次巩膜扣带术获得视网膜复位。所有病例最终复位率达100%。术后视力较术前视力明显提高(P<0.01)。结论:充气性视网膜固定术是治疗下方裂孔RRD的一种有效方法。
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AIM:To evaluate the effectiveness of pneumatic retinopexy(PR) with cryopexy in the therapy of inferior rhegmatogenous retinal detachment(RRD)·METHODS:Twenty-two patients(22 eyes) were included in this study.The RRD diagnosis was confirmed by best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA),slit-lamp microscope,indirect ophthalmoscope and Goldman three-mirror contact lens.All patients had undergone PR with cryopexy,and the post-operative follow-up was 6 to 24 months with an average of 12 months.Post-operative BCVA and final anatomical outcome was analyzed·RESULTS:The reattachment rate of single PR was 77%(17/22 eyes),and 2 eyes required additional intravitreal injection of the gas.The total reattachment rate of PR was 86%(19/22 eyes).Three eyes needed additional scleral buckling.Final retinal reattachment was achieved in all 22 subjects(100%).Postoperative BCVA was significantly improved(P<0.01)·CONCLUSION:PR is an effective surgery for inferior RRD·