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AIM:To investigate the related factors and trends of cataract operation by analysing the current situation of operation and surgical rate in eastern Fengxian community of Shanghai and to improve cataract surgical rate and quality and to accelerate the work progress of cataract prevention of blindness under the policy of new type of rural cooperative medical care system(NCMS)·METHODS: Data of over 55 years old patients who had accepted cataract surgery between January 2008 and August 2010 were collected and then evaluated with standard of our current cataract epidemiological survey and diagnostic criteria of World Health Organization(WHO) to blind or low vision;Gender,age,effect of surgery,health care and the causes of postoperative low vision,and the effect of policy of "NCMS"on cataract operation were statistically analyzed·RESULTS:Among 994 patients(1260 eyes),649 female(806 eyes) and 345 male(454 eyes),the number of female patients were much more than that of the male,the minimal age was 55,maximal 99 and average 74.75±7.92 years old.The age group of 70-79,including 515 patients,accounted for 51.81% of all patients.The number of patients whose postoperative corrected visual acuity was greater than or equal to 0.05 was 1241 eyes,off-blindness rate was 98.6%;greater than or equal to 0.3 was 1179 eyes,off-disability rate was 93.57%;the IOL implantation rate was 98.49%.39 eyes occurred complications,accounting for 3.10% of all patients.In the aspect of health care composition of cataract surgery patients,farm security had 561 people accounting for 56.44%;town security had 135 people accounting for 13.58%;the summation of these two items took up 70.02% of all patients·CONCLUSION: Cataract is the main cause of blindness among the elder.The morbidity of female is much higher than that of male.Under the institution of NCMS,the cataract surgical rate of Eastern Fengxian community of Shanghai is high,and so do the off-blindness rate,off-disability rate and IOL implantation rate postoperatively.Preventing blindness and improving low vision is focused on early diagnosis and treatment of cataract.Cataract is still the key of blindness prevention work.