目的:观察苏州地区早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy ofprematurity,ROP)的发病情况和宫外生长发育状况的关系。方法:对2010-01/10在苏州市立医院出生的胎龄<34wk,体质量<1500g的早产、低体重儿进行ROP筛查,记录符合筛查标准的各早产儿出生后第1~5wk的体质量值,按照出生后5wk体质量偏离百分比将早产儿分组,计算每组ROP阳性率。运用卡方检验对数据进行统计学分析。结果:出生后5wk内的体质量偏离百分比越大,ROP阳性率越大。结论:早产儿出生后生长发育状况和ROP发病密切相关,对早产儿出生后生长发育指标的测量,尤其是体质量的增长,或许可成为我国一个新的经济、简单的早期筛查方法,并可能对疾病的早期干预提供理论依据。
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AIM:To observe the relationship between the retinopothy of prematurity(ROP) and extrauterine growth·METHODS: From January 2010 to October 2010,all premature infants born in Suzhou Municipal Hospital with body weight less than 1500g or gestation age less than 34 weeks were enrolled and underwent ophthalmologic examination.According to infants’ weight deviation percentage of the first five weeks,the infants were divided into three groups.Incidence of ROP in each group were calculated to evaluate its correlation with the weight increase percentage·RESULTS:The greater weight deviation of first five weeks,the greater proportion of ROP positive cases·CONCLUSION: Extrauterine growth of prematurity is closely related to ROP incidence.Measurement of extrauterine growth,especially weight increase,perhaps become a new economic and simple method of early screening,and may provide a theoretical basis for early intervention of ROP.