目的:了解南京市雨花台区3岁在园儿童的视觉状况,分别进行城区和郊区、性别、视觉检测方法比较。方法:统一筛查标准,对雨花台区22所幼儿园1519例3岁在园儿童进行裸眼远视力、SureSight屈光筛查仪检查,并进行比较。结果:儿童1406例接受远视力表检查视力,异常检出率为12.30%。其中男童视力低常检出率为6.97%,女童5.33%。1 501例儿童接受SureSight屈光筛查仪检查屈光状态,屈光异常检出率为12.92%。城区儿童屈光异常检出率6.86%,郊区6.06%。结论:屈光不正是造成3岁在园儿童视力异常最常见的眼病。早发现、早干预是我们进一步有待完善的工作。
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AIM:To investigate the current situation of the 3-year old preschool children’s visual acuity and refraction in Yuhuatai district of Nanjing,and compare between urban and suburban areas,gender,visual inspection method·METHODS:A sample of 1519 children(3 years old)which were selected randomly were examined by the standard logarithmic visual acuity chart and Suresight Vision Screener handheld autorefractor·RESULTS:Totally 1406 children received vision examination of visual acuity chart and the ratio of subnormal visual acuity was 12.30%,while 1501 children were used for preschool vision screening,the ratio of refractive error was 12.92%.Significant difference was found in children’s refractive error rate between urban and rural areas(6.86% vs 6.06%,P<0.01)·CONCLUSION:Ametropia is the most familiar disease in kindergarten.It is necessary to check the preschool children’s visual acuity and refraction,so as to find latent problems,and to prospect the developmental trend and offer evidences for early intervention.