目的:探讨上睑下垂常见并发症的处理方法。 方法:总结近5a来矫正上睑下垂的临床体会,对常见的并发症如矫正不足、矫正过度、暴露性角膜炎、结膜或者泪腺脱垂分别采取相应对策,尽量早期发现纠正,可以获得满意临床效果。 结果:所选150例180眼上睑下垂患者中,127例患者术后上睑下垂矫正满意,双侧基本对称,无明显并发症。12例患者14眼欠矫,4例患者4眼轻度过矫,3例患者3眼结膜脱垂,1例患者1眼泪腺脱垂,3例3眼轻度睑球分离,早期予以调整后形态满意,未出现感染、血肿病例。 结论: 对于上睑下垂患者采用提上睑肌缩短法或者额肌瓣悬吊矫正,术中尽量准确判断,术后精心护理,严密观察,出现并发症可以早期处理以获得好的效果。
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AIM: To investigate the management of common complications after ptosis operation. METHODS: Clinical experience of managing the common complications after ptosis operation in the past 5 years was summed. For the common complications such as under-correction or over-correction, exposure keratitis, conjunctival or lacrimal gland prolapse, corresponding countermeasure was treated as soon as which was detected. Then satisfactory clinical results were attained. RESULTS: In all 150 cases (180 eyes) with ptosis, 127 cases were corrected satisfied with bilateral symmetrical, no significant complications. Twelve cases (14 eyes) were under-correction, 4 cases (4 eyes) were over-correction mildly, conjunctival prolapse occurred in 3 cases(3 eyes), lacrimal gland prolapse occurred in 1 case(one eye), eyelid and eyeball separated mildly in 3 cases(3 eyes). These cases were adjusted in early stage and improved satisfiedly. No infection, hematoma occurred. CONCLUSION: Levator resection or frontal muscle flap suspension are applied to correct ptosis usually. Intraoperative accurate judgement and postoperative intensive care are necessary. Through close observation and early treatment of complications, good results can be attained.