目的:根据患儿年幼、头部易摆动、针头难固定易滑脱、组织娇嫩、不宜探针反复进出泪道操作等特点,探讨新型泪道探通针治疗婴幼儿先天性泪道阻塞(nasolacrimal duct obstruction,NLDO)的临床疗效。 方法:用新型泪道探通针对眼科门诊2568例2771眼先天性NLDO患者进行泪道探通,并观察疗效。 结果:所有患者手术成功,其中一次探通成功2722眼(98.23%),二次探通成功49眼(1.77%),除极少数患儿有轻度眼睑水肿外,无任何严重并发症发生。 结论:新型泪道探通针设计合理、操作方便、安全实用,对泪道无损伤、独立包装、消毒彻底、能避免交叉感染、价格低廉、临床应用效果良好,尤其适合婴幼儿患者,值得推广使用。
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To study the clinical effect of a new type of probe to treat congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction(NLDO) according to the characteristics of the infant, such as age, head not being easily fixed, tissue tenderness and not suitable for manipulation repeatedly. METHODS:All 2568 infants(2771 eyes) who have congenital NLDO received probing of lacrimal passages with the new type probing needle and were observed in the clinic service. RESULTS: All eyes could be probed successfully, especially 2722 eyes (98.23%) could be probed successfully one time and 49 eyes (1.77%) were two times. There were not any severe complications but gentle palpebral edema. CONCLUSION: New onetime probing needle which are reasonable designed are convenient, safe and practical to use. They have no hurt to lacrimal passage. At the same time, they can be packed and sterilized independently to avoid cross contamination. This new type, low price needle which is particularly suitable for infant has good therapeutic effect and deserves to be spread to use.