目的:探讨活血利水之散血明目片对外伤性增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(traumatic proliferrative vitreoretinopathy, tPVR)增殖膜(epiretinal membrane,ERM)中EGFmRNA表达的影响及防治PVR的作用机制。 方法:将40只成年有色家兔随机抽取32只,制作tPVR模型,随机分成模型组(B组)、活血利水组(C组)、活血化瘀(D组)、利水明目组(E组),另8只为空白组(A组)。连续灌胃30d后,观察眼底PVR分级情况,原位杂交法检测EGFmRNA在各组的表达,HE染色观察病理组织学改变。 结果:给药7d后,B,D,E组PVR分级比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),给药30d后,C组与各组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在C组,ERM中EGFmRNA阳性程度低于B组,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。D组与E组也能降低EGFmRNA表达的阳性程度,与B组相比有统计学差异(P<0.05)。C组中EGFmRNA阳性程度低于另两个治疗组,有统计学差异(P<0.05)。C组中EGFmRNA阳性程度略高于A组,有统计学差异(P<0.01)。 结论:活血利水法是活血化瘀和利水明目两者作用的协同,能通过拮抗ERM中EGFmRNA表达的作用来抑制增殖细胞的过度增生,从而防治PVR形成和发展。
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To study the effects of huoxuelishui method (HXLSM)on EGFmRNAˊs expression on epiretinal membrane(ERM) of traumatic proliferative vitreo-retinopathy(tPVR)and its mechanism of curative and preventive effects on PVR. METHODS: Thirty-two rabbits were selected randomly from 40 healthy adult colored rabbits and induced to tPVR models, then divided into four groups: the first group was treated with sanxuemingmu tablet-huoxuelishui (HXLS) group,the second treated with zhixuequyu tablet-huoxuehuayu(HXHY) group,the third treated with zhulingsan-lishuimingmu(LSMM) group and the model group .The rest 8 formed the blank control group.After the rabbits had been fed and administrated for a month , the visibility of fundus, the degree of PVR and pathologic changes were observed,measured EGFmRNA expression in ERM was observed with immunohistochemistry technique. RESULTS:Compared with model group ,the positive level of EGFmRNA was decreased significantly in HXLS group (P<0.01). Compared with model group, the positive level of EGFmRNA decreased much in HXHY and LSMM group(P<0.05).And the level of EGFmRNA in HXLS group were lower than those in HXHY and LSMM group(P<0.05). The positive level of EGFmRNA in HXLS group was a little higher than those in blank group (P<0.01). The PVR in HXLS group was lighter than that in model group,HXHY and LSMM group. CONCLUSION: HXLSM is the coordination of HXHY method and LSMM method. It could inhibit and cure the formation and development of traumatic PVR by counteracting the expression of EGFmRNA on ECM so as to inhibiting proliferative cell’s hyperplasy.