目的:探讨影响近视患者中央角膜厚度(central corneal thickness, CCT)的因素。 方法:本文所研究的近视及近视散光患者共307例614眼,用全自动电脑验光仪、角膜厚度测量仪、非接触式眼压计、A超、Orb-scan分别测量屈光状态、CCT,眼压(intraocular pressure, IOP)、眼轴(axial length, AL)、前房深度(anterior chamber depth,ACD)以及角膜曲率(corneal curvature,CC)。用Pearson相关分析及一元线性回归方法统计评估CCT与眼部参数的关系。 结果:CCT平均值为542.30±33.52μm。 Pearson相关分析显示CCT与IOP呈显著正相关(r=0.303,P=0.000),与平均CC呈显著负相关(r=-0.129,P=0.001),而与年龄(r=-0.050,P=0.213)、屈光度(r=0.024,P=0.561)、AL(r=0.061, P=0.131)、ACD(r=-0.031,P=0.445)等因素无关。 结论:近视患者CCT与IOP及平均CC有相关性,CCT每增加100μm,IOP升高2.4mmHg。
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AIM: To determine the factors related to central corneal thickness (CCT) in patients with myopia. METHODS: A total of 307 patients (614 eyes) of myopia or myopia astigmatism subjects were examined. Refraction was measured by CANON RK-F1 automatic-refractor. CCT was measured by Pachymeter SP 3000. Axial Length was measured by A-mode ultrasound (OPTIKON 2000).Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured by CANON TX-F non-contact tonometer. Corneal curvature was measured by Orbscan II(BAUSCH& LOMB). Age was also analyzed. The relationships between CCT and other parameters were tested by Pearson-s correlation and linear regression analysis. RESULTS: The average CCT was 542.30±33.52μm. CCT was positively correlated with IOP (r=0.303,P=0.000),negatively correlated with average corneal curvature (r= -0.129,P=0.001). There were no significant correlations between the CCT and age(r=-0.050,P=0.213), refractive error (r=0.024,P=0.561), axial length (r=0.061,P=0.131) and anterior chamber depth(r=-0.031,P=0.445). CONCLUSION: The CCT was correlated with IOP and average corneal curvature in patients of myopia. If the average CCT increases 100μm, the IOP would increase 24mmHg.