目的:探讨高度近视白内障表面麻醉下晶状体超声乳化吸除人工晶状体植入术的疗效。 方法:回顾性病例系列研究,对60例88眼高度近视白内障采用表面麻醉透明角膜切口晶状体超声乳化折叠人工晶状体植入术后随访1~3mo。 结果:患者88眼均顺利完成手术植入丙烯酸酯折叠人工晶状体,植入球面人工晶状体46眼,非球面晶状体39眼,多焦晶状体3眼。度数范围:-6.00~+13.00D。术后视力均有不同程度提高,其中矫正视力≥0.5者54眼(61%),≥0.3者73眼(83%),≥0.05者83眼(94%)。术中术后无严重并发症发生。 结论:对高度近视白内障采用表面麻醉下透明角膜切口晶状体超声乳化折叠式人工晶状体植入术是安全有效的,是这一高危人群的理想术式。
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AIM:To evaluate the effect of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation under topical anesthesia on high myopia with cataract. METHODS:In a retrospective study, 60 cases (88 eyes ) of high myopia with cataract underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation under topical anesthesia. Preoperatively, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranged from light perception to 0.04 in 40 eyes, from 0.05 to 0.25 in 39 eyes and from 0.3 to 0.4 in 9 eyes.The spherical equivalent ranged from -6.0D to -25D. The eye axial length ranged from 26.05 to 33.4 mm(<30mm,n=69; ≥30mm,n=19). All cases were followed up for 1 to 3 months. RESULTS:All of the 88 eyes accepted folding IOL implantation,spherical IOL in 46 eyes,aspherical IOL in 39 eyes, and multifocal IOL in 3 eyes,their visual acuity improved in all cases. BCVA achieved 0.5 or better in 54 eyes(61%),0.3 or better in 73 eyes(83%)and 0.05 or better in 83 eyes(94%). No severe complications were observed. CONCLUSION:Phacoemulsification and folding IOL implantation under topical anesthesia is effective and safe,it is an ideal proceduce for high myopia with cataract.