目的:探讨中西医结合治疗Vogt-小柳-原田综合征(VKH)的临床疗效。 方法:对34例68眼VKH采用小剂量糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂联合中医辨证论治治疗。 结果:治愈60眼,好转4眼,总有效率94%。视力≥1.0者24眼,视力≥0.2者64眼。4眼因白内障视力<0.2。 结论:中西医结合治疗VKH可有效的控制炎症,并且可以减少糖皮质激素、免疫抑制剂的用量。
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AIM:To discuss the clinical efficacy of integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. METHODS:All 34 cases (68 eyes) with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome were treated with low-dose corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents combined with treatment based on syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine. RESULTS:Totally 60 eyes cured, 4 eyes improved, the total effective rate was 94%. Visual acuity was better than 1.0 in 24 eyes, and better than 0.2 in 64 eyes. Visual acuity in 4 eyes was less than 0.2 because of cataract. CONCLUSION:Integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome can effectively control inflammation and reduce the dosage of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents.