目的:观察角膜塑形镜矫正近视及控制近视发展方面的临床有效性和安全性。 方法:通过对423例789眼使用角膜塑形镜验配和定期的跟踪复查,观察使用角膜塑形镜后的角膜健康状况以及视力、屈光度等变化;同时针对15岁以下戴镜人群,观察戴镜1a后近视度数增长情况。 结果:全部患者均获得了满意的矫正视力;针对以控制近视增长为目的戴镜者,1a后对戴镜结果基本满意。 结论:在使用合格的产品、规范的流程、合格的验配技术和严格的复查的前提保障下,角膜塑型镜是青少年阶段一种安全、有效地矫正视力和控制近视增长的方法,是眼视光技术针对青少年近视治疗的重要补充。
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AIM:To observe the effect and safety of orthokeratology rectifying myopia and controlling the development of myopia. METHODS:The myopia of 423 cases (789 eyes) were corrected by orthokeratology, and the changes of corneal condition, vision, dioptre were observed.At the same time, patients under the age of 15,who had worn orthoklenses for over one year were studied. RESULTS:All patients were satisfied with the effect and safety of orthokeratology. CONCLUSION:Orthokeratology as a non-traumatic way rectifying myopia can reduce dioptre and control the development of myopia effectively.