目的:调查西安医学院眼视光专业学生专业承诺的状况及其存在的问题,为专业的发展进一步提出相应的建议与对策提供科学依据。 方法:采用整群抽样,利用《大学生专业承诺量表》问卷,对西安医学院2008/2010年级眼视光专业148名学生进行问卷调查。 结果:西安医学院三个年级中2009级专业承诺均值最高;3个年级学生的专业承诺之间有一定的差异;男生与女生在规范承诺上有显著差异;调剂学生的专业承诺均值低于其他报考第一、二、三、四志愿学生。 结论:眼视光教育不仅要对学生进行专业思想教育,也要通过各种渠道向社会群体宣传眼视光专业的特点和专业发展的必要性。
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AIM:To investigate the status of the professional commitment and their related problems in the optometry students of Xiˊan Medical College to provide a scientific basis for the professional development and recommendations. METHODS:Cluster sampling and questionnaires on "professional commitment scale for students in university" were used to investigate 148 students grades 2008, 2009 and 2010 of optometry professional in Xiˊan Medical College. RESULTS:The average scales of professional commitment in students of grade 2009 were the highest among three grades in medical College of Xiˊan. The professional commitments were significantly different among students of three grades, and in the normative commitment between male and female students. The mean scales of the professional commitment in the adjusting students were lower than that of the volunteer students to apply the first, second and third specialty. CONCLUSION:The education for students on optometry is not only to ideological education, but also social groups through various methods to promote the professional characteristics of optometry and the professional development.