目的:观察口服马栗种子提取物对黄斑水肿的临床疗效。 方法:将黄斑水肿患者47例50眼随机分为2组,对照组采用常规促吸收疗法(口服维生素C,E和芦丁片),治疗组在常规治疗基础上加用马栗种子提取物口服,4wk为1疗程。 结果:治疗组黄斑水肿吸收优于对照组,两组差异有显著意义(P<0.05),治疗组患者无1例不良反应。 结论:马栗种子提取物对黄斑水肿疗效确切,无不良反应,可在临床上推广应用。
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AIM:To observe the clinical efficacy of the oral horse chestnut seed extract for treating macular edema. METHODS: Forty-seven cases (50 eyes) of macular edema patients (fifty eyes) were randomly divided into 2 groups. The conventional therapy (oral vitamin C, E and rutin tablets) was used in control group. The treatment group was treated with oral horse chestnut seed extract and conventional therapy. RESULTS:After 4 weeks observation, the absorption of macular edema in treatment group was better than the control group, the difference was significant (P<0.05), no adverse reactions was observed in treatment group. CONCLUSION: The horse chestnut seed extract is effective for macular edema with no adverse reactions.