目的:评价和比较动态轮廓眼压计和Goldmann压平眼压计测得的LASIK手术后眼压值。 方法:接受准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)的近视患者34例68眼,分别于术前和术后3mo使用动态轮廓眼压计(Pascal dynamic contour tonometer,PDCT)和Goldmann压平眼压计(the Goldmann applanation tonometer ,GAT)进行眼压测量。比较手术前后两种测量方法测得的眼压值的差异。多元线性相关分析研究GAT,PDCT测量值和角膜曲率及角膜中央厚度(CCT)之间的相关性。 结果:LASIK手术后GAT测量值较术前低,而PDCT值和术前比较差异则无统计学意义。角膜曲率、CCT和GAT读数呈线性相关,而与PDCT读数无关。 结论:GAT测量得到的眼压低于实际值。PDCT测眼压不受角膜曲率和中央角膜厚度影响。
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AIM:To evaluate and compare intraocular pressure value measured by the dynamic contour tonometer and Goldmann applanation tonometer after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) operation . METHODS:There were 34 myopic patients (68 eyes ) who received LASIK. Intraocular pressures were measured in the preoperation and postoperative 3 months using Pascal dynamic contour tonometer(PDCT ) and Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT).Values measured by two methods were compared. Multiple linear correlation analysis was used to find the correlation between GAT, PDCT measurement, corneal curvature and central corneal thickness ( CCT ). RESULTS: After LASIK operation GAT measurement value was lower than that before treatment, and postoperative and preoperative difference in PDCT value was not statistically significant. The curvature of the cornea, CCT and GAT readings showed a linear correlation, but PDCT reading unrelated. CONCLUSION:GAT measurement of the intraocular pressure is lower than the actual value. PDCT intraocular pressure measurement is not affected by the corneal curvature and CCT.