自“视觉2020”行动发起已有10a余。尽管中国的文章总量在20强国家中排第五位,但各地区的文章分布尚不清楚。本文比较来自中国三个主要地区:大陆、香港和台湾在这10a内发表在国际期刊上的眼科文章情况。检索2000/2009年的PubMed数据库,分别对文章的数量,影响因子(IF)和顶级杂志发表文章数量进行比较。从2000/2009年,中国发表共计 2493篇眼科相关文章,其中大陆1076篇,台湾784篇,香港633篇。三个地区发表的文章数量随时间推移有所增加(从99到491)。自2006年开始,大陆发表的文章总数超过了香港及台湾。大陆累计影响因子2565.108分,高于台湾(1794.049)和香港(1544.021),但香港在平均影响因子分值方面最高。通过研究发现,近10a来大陆在SCI期刊发表文章的数量有很大的飞跃,并缩小了与台湾和香港之间的差距。
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It-s right ten years since Vision 2020 was first initiated. Although it was suggested that China ranked the fifth in the top 20 countries sorted by articles in all fields from Essential Science Indicators, the research status in ophthalmology from Chinese authors in various parts were unknown. We aimed to compare the outputs of ophthalmology articles published in international journals from the three major regions of China - Mainland (ML), Hong Kong (HK) and Taiwan (TW) during the past ten years. Articles published in ophthalmology journals originating from the ML, TW and HK from 2000 to 2009 were retrieved from the PubMed database. The number of articles, impact factors (IF) and articles published in top ophthalmology journals were conducted for quantity and quality comparison. There were 2493 articles from ML (1076), TW (784) and HK (633). The total number of articles from the three regions increased significantly from 2000 to 2009 (from 99 to 491). The number of articles published per year from the ML has exceeded those from TW and HK in 2006. The accumulated IF of the articles from ML (2565.108) was higher than TW (1794.049) and HK (1544.021). HK had the highest average IF of ophthalmology articles among the three regions. The ML had great progress in quantity of ophthalmology articles published in international journals and was narrowing the article quality gap with the other two regions during the past ten years. "