目的:探讨建立长期有效的兔眼滤过手术模型。 方法:对18只36眼家兔行青光眼滤过手术,其中右眼植入单层生物羊膜,左眼植入双层生物羊膜,术后观察眼压、滤过泡形态。 结果:家兔术后巩膜瓣修复快,滤过通道难以长期有效维持,易导致造模失败。术中植入双层羊膜,可明显延长有效滤过通道的维持时间,部分模型有效滤过可维持14~30d。双层羊膜组眼压控制也较理想。 结论:兔眼小梁切除术中植入双层羊膜,可以提高滤过模型的成功率。
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AIM:To create an effective operation model in glaucoma filtering operation in rabbit. METHODS:Trabeculectomy were performed on 36 eyes of 18 rabbits. The 18 eyes were treated with the amniotic transplantation under sclerotic flap, the other eyes were treated with the double amniotic transplantation between sclerotic and conjunctional flap. The postoperative examinations including the intraocular pressure (IOP), filtering bleb and complications were performed. RESULTS:Filtering bleb was scarcely enough to keep effective and permanent. In double amniotic membrane transplantation group, the filtering bleb was kept over 14 and 30 days partly, showing a longer period in comparison with amniotic membrane groups. The IOP remained steady at a level of less than baseline. CONCLUSION:The double amniotic membrane transplantation can improve success rate of model.