目的:应用临床客观指标和视功能生存质量指标评价白内障超声乳化联合AcrySof IQ人工晶状体植入术的临床效果。 方法:选择老年性白内障患者86例89眼,按随机数字表进行随机分为A(AcrySof IQ),B(KS-1)人工晶状体组,均行白内障超声乳化联合人工晶状体植入术。观察患者术前、术后1d;1wk;1mo裸眼远视力和最佳矫正远视力,计算安全指数和有效指数。术后1mo进行视功能和生存质量调查问卷。 结果:A,B两组的手术安全指数、有效指数、术中和术后并发症、术前、术后裸眼视力和最佳矫正远视力均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。A组患者在术后视功能调查问卷中的感觉适应(P<0.01)和立体觉(P<0.01)上明显优于B组,具有显著性差异。 结论:白内障超声乳化联合AcrySof IQ人工晶状体植入术的临床效果良好,具有手术安全指数和有效指数高、术中和术后并发症少等优点;AcrySof IQ非球面人工晶状体能提高患者术后感觉适应和立体觉,改善患者术后视觉质量,值得在临床推广;视功能和生存质量指标是评价白内障手术效果的有力工具,可以提供临床客观指标所不能反映的信息。白内障超声乳化联合AcrySof IQ人工晶状体植入术的临床效果良好,值得在临床推广;视功能和生存质量指标是评价白内障手术效果的有力工具,可以提供临床客观指标所不能反映的信息。
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AIM:To apply clinical objective index, visual function and quality of life index to evaluate the clinical effects of phacoemulsification with implantation of AcrySof IQ intraocular lens. METHODS:Eighty-six subjects(89 eyes) were randomly divided into two groups:A(AcrySof IQ)group,B(KS-1)group. All cases underwent phacoemulsification with implantation of intraocular lens. Uncorrected distance visual acuity(UCDVA)and best-corrected distance visual acuity(BCDVA)were observedpreoperatively and one day,one week and one month postoperatively. Safety index and effective index were calculated. Visual function and quality of life questionnaire were processed one month postoperatively. RESULTS: No significant difference was found at safety index, effective index,operative and postoperative complications, preoperative or postoperative UCDVA and BCDVA between two groups(P>0.05). Visual function was obviously better in A(AcrySof IQ)group than B(KS-1)group(P<0.01). CONCLUSION:Good effect,high safety index and effective index,low operative and postoperative complications are with the phacoemulsification with implantation of AcrySof IQ intraocular lens.AcrySof IQ aspheric intraocular lens can greatly improve patients visual function and quality of vision. AcrySof IQ should be popularized clinically. Visual function and quality of life questionnaire are one effective tool for evaluating the clinical effects of phacoemulsification combined with implantation of intraocular lens,which can reflect more information than clinical objective index.