超声生物显微镜(ultrasound biomicroscopy,UBM)相对于前房角镜、裂隙灯显微镜而言,不受屈光状态和屈光间质混浊的影响,分辨率高,能够清晰的观察房角、睫状体、术后滤泡。我们通过观察各型青光眼及抗青光眼术后房角和滤泡的UBM扫描图像特点,就UBM在青光眼诊治中的临床意义及应用价值做一综述。
[Key word]
Compared with gonioscope and slit-lamp microscope,ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM) is high-resolving power and can be used to observe chamber angle, ciliary body and anti-glaucoma postoperative blebs clearly, without the effect of diopter and turbid refractive material. Through observine the UBM image of glaucoma chamber angle and anti-glaucoma postoperative chamber angle and follicular, this article reviews UBM in diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma as well as its clinical significance and value.