目的:观察中西医结合治疗玻璃体积血的疗效。 方法:选取止血活络明目饮、丹红四物汤等中药方剂,配合尿激酶半球后注射。治疗1mo后,给予服用中成药和血明目片3mo,巩固疗效。 结果:通过中西药结合治疗玻璃体积血26例28眼,总有效率89%,其中57%显效。 结论:治疗玻璃体积血运用止血、活血化瘀明目的中药方剂及中成药和血明目片,有固本之功;用尿激酶半球后注射溶解凝血块有治标之效,标本兼治,才能达到祛瘀明目的目的。
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AIM:To observe the curative effect of integration of Chinese and Western medicine on vitreous hemorrhage. METHODS:Zhixuehuoluo Mingmu Yin and Danhong SiwuTang, etc. were selected and combined with semi-retrobulbar injection of urokinase. 1 month after treatment, oral hexuemingmu tablet was administrated to consolidate the curative effect for 3 months. RESULTS:By combining Chinese and Western medicine treatment of vitreous hemorrhage in 26 patients (28 eyes), the total effective rate was 89%, of which 57% were excellent. CONCLUSION:The use of traditional Chinese medicine prescription, which can stop bleeding,promote blood circulation to remove bloodstasis and improve acuity of vision, and Chinese patent medicine of hexuemingmu tablet to treat vitreous hemorrhage has function of strengthening the body; semi-retrobulbar injection of urokinase to dissolve blood clot has effect of treating the symptoms; only by treating the primary and secondary aspects of the disease at the same time can the purpose of eliminating stasis and improving acuity of vision be achieved.