目的:探索一种简便而有效的矫治先天性下睑内翻并内眦赘皮的手术方法。 方法:患者15例29眼,采用内眦重建联合皮肤轮匝肌切除术:伴倒向型内眦赘皮者行L型皮肤轮匝肌切除术;伴其它类型内眦赘皮者行y-v成形术联合皮肤轮匝肌切除术。 结果:术后随访6~12mo,所有患者下睑内翻及内眦赘皮均矫正满意,睑裂横径延长,内眦角自然,取得较好的美容效果,家长及患者满意。 结论:联合手术的方法简便有效,利于下睑生理功能恢复,术后瘢痕不明显,提高了先天性下睑内翻的矫治疗效,患者术后不易复发,可作为先天性睑内翻常规手术方法。
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AIM:To explore a simple and effective surgical method for correction of congenital entropion in lower eyelid with epicanthus. METHODS:Fifty cases(29 eyes) underwent reconstruction of inner canthus and skin orbicularis muscle resection:patients with inverse epicanthus underwent L-type skin orbicularis muscle resection; patients with other types of epicanthus underwent y-v plasty combined with skin orbicularis muscle resection. RESULTS:The posoperative follow-up of 6 to 12 months showed that the correction of entropion in lower eyelid and epicanthus were satisfactory in all cases. Transverse diameter of palpebral fissure extended,inner canthus was natural.Parents and patients were satisfied with the good cosmetic results. CONCLUSION:This method of combined operation is simple and effective,and good for lower eyelid functional recovery.It has minimal posoperative scar and improves the therapeutic effect of congenital entropion in lower eyelid.In all the patients postoperative recurrence seemed unlikely.It can be used as a routine operation for congenital entropion.