目的:观察患眼带自体角膜缘干细胞的结膜瓣移植加健眼带自体角膜缘干细胞的结膜瓣移植治疗单眼双侧胬肉的临床疗效。 方法:对24例24眼患者单眼双侧胬肉行翼状胬肉切除及自体角膜缘干细胞移植术,鼻侧结膜瓣自患眼上方取,颞侧行结膜瓣自健眼取,随访7~16mo,观察临床疗效。 结果:所有患者伤口愈合良好,1例复发,复发率为4%。 结论:患眼带自体角膜缘干细胞的结膜瓣移植加健眼带自体角膜缘干细胞的结膜瓣移植治疗单眼双侧胬肉临床疗效好,复发率低,为解决单眼双侧翼状胬肉复发率较高的问题提供一种较好治疗方法。
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AIM:To observe the clinical efficacy of conjunctival flap transplantation with autologous corneal limbal stem cells in affected eye plus conjunctival flap transplantation with autologous corneal limbal stem cells in healthy eye for monocular bilateral pterygium. METHODS:Twenty-four cases of 24 eyes with monocular bilateral pterygium underwent pterygium resection and autologous corneal limbal stem cell transplantation, nasal conjunctival flap was gotten from the affected eyes,temporal conjunctival flap from the healthy eye.The clinical effect was observed with follow-up of 7-16 months. RESULTS:All patients had good results in wound healing, 1 cases relapsed, recurrence rate was 4%. CONCLUSION:Conjunctival flap transplantation with autologous corneal limbal stem cells in affected eye plus conjunctival flap transplantation with autologous corneal limbal stem cells in healthy eye for monocular bilateral pterygium has good clinical effect and low recurrence rate, which provides a better way to solve high recurrence rate.