目的:分析老年人青光眼的发病特点及危险因素,以探讨防治措施。 方法:对51例69眼50岁以上老年人已确诊为青光眼的病例进行发病特点及危险因素的问卷调查与分析。 结果:患者51例中,急性闭角型青光眼急性发作期21例25眼(男4例5眼,女17例20眼)、慢性闭角型青光眼17例26眼(男6例9眼,女11例17眼)、开角型青光眼10例15眼(男6例9眼,女4例6眼)、继发性青光眼3例3眼(男2例2眼,女1例1眼)。急性闭角型青光眼21例25眼急性发作均有明显诱因,症状明显。慢性闭角型青光眼及开角型青光眼14例22眼有轻微症状,开角型青光眼患者1例2眼有夜盲等症状,余无明显症状。继发青光眼中有2例有明显症状,1例无明显症状。有家族史者11例;解剖因素(浅前房、窄房角)有39例;近视及远视患者有21例;视网膜静脉阻塞致新生血管性青光眼1例;白内障膨胀期继发青光眼1例;长期点用含地塞米松眼药水致糖皮质激素性青光眼1例。 结论:老年人青光眼病因复杂、临床表现多样,应给予患者相应的健康宣传,提高患者对疾病的认知能力,做到早就诊、早治疗。
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AIM:To analyze the clinical characteristics and risk factors of the old glaucoma,to explore the prevention and control measures. METHODS:Fifty-one cases (69 eyes) of confirmed glaucoma over age of 50 were given questionnaire investigation and analysis on the clinical characteristics and risk factors. RESULTS:Among 51 cases,acute angle-closure glaucoma had 21 cases (25 eyes, male 4 cases, 5 eyes, female 17 cases, 20 eyes),chronic angle-closure glaucoma had 17 cases (15 eyes, male 6 cases, 9 eyes, female 11 cases, 17 eyes),open angle glaucoma had 10 cases (15 eyes, male 6 cases, 9 eyes,female 4 cases, 6 eyes),secondary glaucoma had 3 cases(3eyes, male 2 cases, 2 eyes,female 1 case, 1 eye).21 cases (25 eyes) of acute angle-closure glaucoma had significantly incentives and symptoms.14 cases (22 eyes) of chronic angle-closure glaucoma and open angle glaucoma had mild symptoms, 1 case (2 eyes) of open angle glaucoma had night blindness and other symptoms,the others had no obvious symptoms.2 cases had obvious symptoms and 1 case had no obvious symptoms in secondary glaucoma.There were 11 cases with family history,39 cases with anatomical factors (shallow anterior chamber, narrow angle),21 cases with myopia and hyperopia,1 case of neovascular glaucoma caused by retinal vein occlusion,1 case of secondary glaucoma caused by intumescent stage cataract,1 case of corticosteroid-induced glaucoma caused by long-term using of dexamethasone eye drops. CONCLUSION:The old glaucoma have complicated causes and diverse clinical manifestations.Patients should be given appropriate health promotion to improve the congnitive ability of patients to disease,achieve early diagnosis,early treatment.