目的:比较ICare回弹式眼压计(ICare RBT)和非接触眼压计(NCT)测量值的一致性,评价ICare RBT的测量精确性。 方法:对113例222眼(右眼111眼,左眼111眼)随机使用NCT和ICare回弹式眼压计测量眼压,对两种眼压计所测眼压值的差异采用配对t检验分析法,对ICare所测眼压值随NCT所测值变化的关系分析采用线性回归分析法,对ICare与NCT眼压测量值的一致性采用Bland-Altman分析法。 结果:使用ICare RBT和NCT测得的眼压均值分别为1846±8.50mmHg和17.09±8.32mmHg,二者差值为 1.36±1.52mmHg,两种测量方法Pearson相关因子r为0.984。Bland-Altman分析证实ICare RBT与NCT眼压测量值具有良好的一致性。所有受试者对ICare RBT的测量无不适反应。 结论:ICare RBT与NCT测量值间具有高度的相关性,可以作为可靠的筛查工具,并可以在临床广泛应用。
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AIM:To evaluate the accuracy of measurement of intraocular pressure(IOP) using a new induction/impact rebound tonometer (ICare RBT) in comparison with the noncontact tonometer (NCT). METHODS: IOP measurement was performed on 222 eyes 111 right eyes, 111 left eyes of 113 cases by ICare RBT and NCT respectively. The order of use of the two tonometers was randomized. The difference of IOP values obtained by ICare RBT and NCT were compared using the paired t test. The correlation between ICare RBT and NCT was assessed using linear regression correlation analysis. The consistency among the IOP values was evaluated with Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS:The mean IOP values of ICare RBT and NCT were 18.46±8.50mmHg and 17.09±8.32mmHg respectively. The mean difference between ICare RBT IOP and NCT IOP was 1.36±1.52mmHg. The correlation coefficient between two methods of IOP measurement was r=0.984. Bland-Altman analysis confirmed ICare RBT and NCT had good consistency in IOP measurements. No severe discomfort was complained in all the cases during or after measurement of ICare RBT. CONCLUSION:The ICare RBT agrees well with the NCT. The ICare RBT may be helpful as a screening tool, and can be useful in clinical application.