目的:对青少年近视患者进行AC/A值的测定,从而推测配戴框架眼镜对青少年近视发展的影响,客观地对其评价以指导临床工作。 方法:对33例66眼首诊为近视的青少年者进行研究,年龄在13~16岁,利用综合验光仪对其进行规范的主觉验光,确定最终的眼镜处方,屈光不正度(等效球镜)为-1.60±0.60D。利用risely旋转棱镜测定屈光矫正前后的梯度性的AC/A值。3~6mo后复测梯度性AC/A值。应用SPSS 16.0统计软件对结果进行统计学分析。 结果:矫正前AC/A值为(2.26±0.79)△/ D,矫正后为(4.88士1.22)△/D,戴镜3mo后为 (4.09±0.87)△/ D。平时戴镜3mo以上者, AC/A比率趋于正常。统计学分析有显著差异(P<0.05)。 结论:临床中,正确适当度数的凹透镜除提高视力外,可恢复调节与集合的平衡和正常双眼单视功能,从而缓解近视发展。
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AIM:To investigate the influence of wearing glasses for teenagers myopia by determining the gradient AC/A radio,and to assess the role of the gradient AC/A radio made in myopia development and progression. METHODS:The study comprised 33 cases (66 eyes) of myopia. Refraction was measured with MPMVA, the gradient AC/A radio measured with risely prism on Phoropter. The main statistic soft ware SPSS 16.0 was used. RESULTS:After wearing glasses,the gradient AC/A ratios were higher than before, and went down after 3 months, there was statistic difference between them (P<0.05). CONCLUSION:After teenagers of myopia wear suitable glasses,their accommodative and convergent parameters such as the gradient AC/A radio will be normalized gradually. Thus it is beneficial for recovering the function balance of accommodation and convergence.