目的:探索简化人工鼻泪管植入的方法和疗效。 方法:选择2010-01/12由本人诊治的因鼻泪管阻塞或狭窄引起的34例37眼溢泪或溢泪伴溢脓的患者,采用钢尺测量法简化手术操作,术后观察人工鼻泪管的位置和手术效果。 结果:患者37眼中2眼扩张鼻泪管失败,35眼扩张鼻泪管后,均成功植入人工鼻泪管,治愈25眼,显效4眼,进步3眼,无效3眼。 结论:简化人工鼻泪管植入术操作简单,成功率高,值得临床推广。
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AIM:To simplify the operation of nasolacrimal stent implantation for nasolacrimal duct obstruction and observe its effection. METHODS:Thirty-four cases(37 eyes)of nasolacrimal duct obstruction were treated by simplified nasolacrimal stent implantation from January 2010 to December 2010.After operation, the position of the nasolacrimal stent and the curative effect were observed. RESULTS:Thirty-five eyes were successfully implanted nasolacrimal stent in 34 cases(37 eyes). Thirty-two eyes had significantly clinical effect. CONCLUSION:The simplified nasolacrimal stent implantation is a simple, safe and effective method for treating nasolacrimal duct obstruction.